These are each of the shots that are in our film opening.
Shot 1 - establishing shot of the police station.
Shot 2 - Title.
Shot 3 - establishing shot of the police sign.
Shot 4 - Title.
Shot 5 - Emma walking through the door.
Shot 6 - Title.
Shot 7 - Emma walking up to the table.
Shot 8 - Title.
Shot 9 - Emma talking to Kieran, Also shows a Title.
Shot 10 - Kieran replying to Emma, this also shows
a title.
Shot 11 - Kieran and Emma looking at a CCTV shot
of Charlie on the laptop. This also shows a title.
Shot 12 - CCTV video on Charlie in the interview
room. Also showing a title.
Shot 13 - Emma telling kieran she will deal with
the situation, and kieran can go home. This also
shows titles.
Shot 14 - Kieran about to lock up. This also shows
a title.
Shot 15 - Kieran turning off the lights as he locks up.
Shot 16 - Title of the film name.
Shot 17 - Match on action shot of Emma entering
the interview room.
Shot 18 - Inside the room showing the match on
action shot of the interview room.
Shot 19 - This is Emma typing on the computer
about to ask Charlie a number of questions.
Shot 20 - This shot is Charlie answering the questions
that Emma has asked. Charlie speaking in a possessed
scary way.
Shot 21- Emma asking more questions to Charlie.
Shot 22 - Charlie answering a question.
Shot 23 - Shot of the lights flickering on and off.
Shot 24 - Charlie asking a question whilst the
lights are flickering on and off.
Shot 25 -Door handle rattling.
Shot 26 - Emma trying to run out of the interview room.
Shot 27 - Charlie telling Emma to stop what she
is doing to the door because its not a good idea.
Shot 28 - Another shot of Emma trying to get out
of the interview room.
Shot 29 - Shot of the chair that Charlie has been
sitting on. She is no longer sitting there. Lights are
also flickering.
Shto 30 - a shot of the light turning off.
Shot 31 - Shot of charlie through the window of the
door, on the other side of the interview room.
Shot 32 - This is a shot of all the lights off, and Charlie
walking away from the interview room into the dark.