Presence - The Official Survey

Click here to take survey
This is a link to the survey regarding our film presence. It will hopefully give us some raw facts regarding our film and help us out a lot with the evaluation, including things such as what went right and what went wrong.

Presence - Final cut

This is the final cut of our film "Presence". This is a survey to be taken after watching the film to give us feedback,

Feedback from the Rough Cut

Feedback from the Rough Cut

When we received the class feedback we were already aware of the changes we needed to make before hand, but having a few from fellow peers was helpful for when we re shot some scenes. Most people commented on:

- Lighting and how it needed to be improved as it looked grainy

-Certain audio's needed to be taken out, e.g. the light switch

- Font needed changing as it wasn't completely clear if it matched with the genre

- I needed to look more scared as my acting wasn't very convincing that I was scared

- And the ending needed clearing up.

When we re shot everything, we changed all the errors and replaced them with a better quality. We made the lighting better on all the scenes that were lacking with decent lighting, we added lots of Foley to make certain sounds stand out more and sounds a lot more scary. We added a gasping sound effect to make me sound more shocked and almost speechless. We got rid of the ending and left it on more of a cliff hanger, (is Emma dead? does she make it out okay?) This creates enigma codes for the audience so that it only appears as an opening scene, and not an ending scene. We need more research into fonts, and got rid of some of the screens that just had text, and it appeared to look more like a trailer to some students.

Presence - Rough cut

This is the draft for our final opening scene. Overall it went reasonably well but obviously there a few improvements we need to make. The lighting is a huge issue we need to rectify as we completely underestimated the importance of it. It ended up being quite grainy which made it look rather unprofessional. Also the titles in it are only placeholders as we as a group have not decided on the final style and colour etc. Apart from that I think it turned out pretty well and I'm happy personally that we deviated from the original plan.


Location images

This is where we filmed Emma scene where she interviews Charlie-Ann.

This is where we filmed Charlie-Ann whilst she was being interviewed.

This is where we filmed Emma opening the door, and Charlie-Ann walking away at the end.

This is where Emma talks to Kieran, and they look at the computer screen.

This is where Emma walks down at the beginning, and when Kieran walks away to turn the light off.

This is where Emma walks in at the beginning.

Shooting schedule

Shooting Schedule

Monday 9th December: After putting all the footage onto the computer and editing it all with music, sound effects, transitions and titles. When we got our feedback we were told that the lightening was bad on a few shots. This meant we had to re shoot more so that it would be perfect for our end opening. The shots that we redone on this day was Charlie in the interview room from a CCTV angle. The other shots we couldn’t film in lesson time as the location we are using for the filming was being used. Emma re shot the shots that she was in with a better lighting after school.
Tuesday 10th December: The shot that we filmed on the previous day of Charlie from a CCTV angle had to be shot again as it was bumpy the previous time filmed. Before we filmed this we thought of a better idea to make the shot more effective.
Wednesday 11th December: Emma was able to re shot the rest of her role after school as the location that we were meant to be using was being used. The shots that she re done had better lightening and the dialogue was more clear. The shot that we made of Charlie from a CCTV angle was put onto a laptop for a better effect.
Thursday 12 December: Emma, Charlie and Kieran filmed the last bits of the of their roles for the final opening. The lightening was better and the dialogue was clearer. More speech was added in and other shots were cut.

Presence - Production diary

These are pictures of our production diary, showing what we've done everyday while creating our opening scene.



Presence - Moodboard

This is the moodboard for our film, Presence. It contains influences and pictures of different scenes which helped us devise our initial idea. Some of the close ups of the monster's present in the moodboard definitely influenced our final piece however, as it includes one of those scenes.

Presence - Storyboard voiceovers

These are the voiceovers for our storyboard. It was also made before we decided to drastically change our idea, so obviously it does not link to our final piece, but is a good indication of our initial idea as it definitely influenced the final piece.

Presence - Shot list

These are each of the shots that are in our film opening.
Shot 1 - establishing shot of the police station.
Shot 2 - Title.

                                           Shot 3 - establishing shot of the police sign.

                                            Shot 4 - Title.
                                          Shot 5 - Emma walking through the door.
                                         Shot 6 - Title.
                                          Shot 7 - Emma walking up to the table. 
                                          Shot 8 - Title.
                                         Shot 9 - Emma talking to Kieran, Also shows a Title.
                                         Shot 10 - Kieran replying to Emma, this also shows
                                         a title.

                                         Shot 11 - Kieran and Emma looking at a CCTV shot
                                         of Charlie on the laptop. This also shows a title.
                                          Shot 12 - CCTV video on Charlie in the interview
                                          room.  Also showing a title.
                                          Shot 13 - Emma telling kieran she will deal with
                                          the situation, and kieran can go home. This also
                                          shows titles.
   Shot 14 - Kieran about to lock up. This also shows
                                          a title.

                                         Shot 15 - Kieran turning off the lights as he locks up.
                                         Shot 16 - Title of the film name.
Shot 17 - Match on action shot of Emma entering
the interview room.
Shot 18 - Inside the room showing the match on
action shot of the interview room.
Shot 19 - This is Emma typing on the computer
about to ask Charlie a number of questions.
Shot 20 - This shot is Charlie answering the questions
that Emma has asked. Charlie speaking in a possessed
scary way.
Shot 21- Emma asking more questions to Charlie.
Shot 22 - Charlie answering a question.
Shot 23 - Shot of the lights flickering on and off.
Shot 24 - Charlie asking a question whilst the
lights are flickering on and off.
Shot 25 -Door handle rattling.
Shot 26 - Emma trying to run out of the interview room.
Shot 27 - Charlie telling Emma to stop what she
is doing to the door because its not a good idea.      
Shot 28 - Another shot of Emma trying to get out
of the interview room.
Shot 29 - Shot of the chair that Charlie has been
sitting on. She is no longer sitting there. Lights are
also flickering.
Shto 30 - a shot of the light turning off.
 Shot 31 - Shot of charlie through the window of the
door, on the other side of the interview room.
Shot 32 - This is a shot of all the lights off, and Charlie
walking away from the interview room into the dark.

Presence - Script

This is the script for our opening scene. We designed then when we chose on a new idea for our scene, so it does not fully reflect the storyboard or other plans.

Location - Hallway and interview room of a police station.

(Emma walks slowly towards Kieran, who is sitting down on a desk looking at a monitor)

Emma (E) (Somewhat annoyed): So, what's the problem then?
Kieran (K) (Glances towards the monitor) Take a look for yourself.
E: I'll go deal with her, you're done for the day.
K (Relieved, walking out): I'll lock up, yeah?

(Emma brushes up and walks inside to the room, sitting down)

E (while typing): So what's the problem?

#Charlie-Ann (CA) (Deadpan, no emotion): They've got... me.
E (visibly surprised): What do you mean they've got you? Tell me what happened, where did this all start?
CA (looking around): Don't you see them? They're everywhere.

(Lights begin to flick on and off, door handle begins to rattle)

E (shocked, scared) What the hell's going on!?

(Emma goes up to fix the lights and the door)
CA: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

(Lights go off, Charlie-Ann's chair is empty. Sees her in the window)
E: *scream*