Genre analysis - Opening of a film

This is the opening scene from The Godfather: Part 2. Genre wise it doesn't give that much insight as to what the film is actually about in the long run (however the viewers most likely would know the genre due to them most likely watching the first one,) but it's a very powerful scene as we, the viewers, get an insight into the traumatic early life of one of the film's main protagonists. It's use of editing instead of a voiceover of narrative is also very powerful because it adds in "He was nine year old" right at end which has the potential to be a massive shock to the viewers. The text also gives the era in which the film begins, which also gives the The main focus of the scene is that it depicts the death of Paolo (Vito's brother) after we've just got an insight about him from the text. This reveals the grimness of the life that Vito lived and gives his character so much more depth.

Moving on, the fact that a relatively calm funeral turns into an assasination attempt right at the beginning of the film definitely sets the tone for the rest of the film, and includes elements such as unpredictability which is also present throughout the rest of the film. Many of the underlying theme of the films are also set up here, such as the danger of the life the characters live. Setting wise, it's in Sicily, which is a iconic place in the film because its where most of the characters originated from. It's also significant because the scene depicts the horrific acts of violence that occured there, and therefore gives reasons as to why Vito had to leave there in the first place, and thus begin the saga. Expanding on this, Vito is the only major character in this scene, but that doesn't detract from the quality.